Dr. Oliver Kröner
Etage/Raum: 01.093
| Fernsehtheorie |
| Medienrezeption |
| serielle und transmediale Formen |
| mediale Figuren |
| kognitive Medientheorie |
| Medienästhetik |
| populäre Kultur |
seit 04/2023 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf |
01/2019-07/2020 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in Media and Journalism an der Fakultät für Business and Society der Glasgow Caledonian University in Schottland/ UK |
09/2014-11/2018 | Promotion in Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft an der University of Glasgow in Schottland/UK |
09/2011-11/2013 | Master in Filmwissenschaft an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver/ Kanada |
10/2004-11/2010 | Magister Artium in Amerikanistik und Soziologie an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt a. M. |
2015-2017 | College of Arts Screen Praktikum, University of Glasgow/ UK |
2015-2017 | AHRC-Stipendium, Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities |
| Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM) |
| The Society of Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image (SCSMI) |
| Northern Television Studies Research Group (NTVRG) |
| Film and Media Studies Association of Canada (FMSAC-ACÉCM) |
| Professional Wrestling Studies Association |
vrsl. 2024 | Television Characters, Seriality, and Emotion (Screen Serialities), Edinburgh/UK: Edinburgh University Press. |
2023 | „To Be Continued … on the Football Pitch: Seriality, Transmedia Storytelling, and Viewer Engagement with Non-Fictional Television Characters“, in: Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings, Special Issue on Seriality. 79-99. |
2022 | „Then, Now, Forever. Television Wrestling, Seriality, and the Rise of the Cinematic Match during COVID-19“, in: Global Storytelling. Journal of Digital and Moving Images 2(1):7. |
„‚Oh My God, They Didn’t Kill Kenny’. Performance, Seriality, and Viewer Engagement in Contemporary Animated Television“, in Ted Nannicelli and Hector J. Perez (ed.): Contemporary Serial Television. Cognition, Emotion and Aesthetics, London: Routledge. 68-82. | |
2021 | „The Day May Come When You Won’t Be Quality TV. The Walking Dead and Viewer Engagement“, in: Series. International Journal of TV Serial Narratvies, 7:1. |
„Wrestling with Characters“, in Christopher J. Olson and CarrieLynn D. Reinhard (ed.): Convergent Wrestling. Participatory Culture, Transmedia Storytelling, and Intertextuality in the Squared Circle, London: Routledge. 45-58. | |
2019 | „Ringside Reality. Viewer Engagement in Contemporary Television Wrestling“, in: Media Education Journal, Association for Media Education in Scotland. |
2018 | „Marnie is the Worst. Antipathetic Characters in Contemporary HBO Programs“, in Victoria McCollum and Giuliana Monteverde (ed.): HBO’s Original Voices. Race, Gender, Sexuality and Power, London: Routledge. 141-155. |
2014 | „Breaking Narrative. Narrative Complexity in Contemporary Television“, in Valentina Marinescu, Bianca Mitu and Silvia Branea (ed.): Critical Reflections on Audience and Narrativity, Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag. 77-89. |
2013 | Cinephile 9.1. Reevaluating Television, The University of British Columbia’s Film Journal (zus. mit Andrea Brooks). Vancouver, Kanada. |
2017 | Elliot Logan: Breaking Bad and Dignity. Fragmentation in the Serial Television Drama, in: „Critical Studies in Television. The International Journal of Television Studies“, Vol 12:3. 313-315. |
2019 | Gutachter wissenschaftliche Manuskripte, für „Intellect Books“ |
04.-05.05.2016 | Film and TV, Theatre, and Centre for Cultural Policy Research Postgraduate Symposium, University of Glasgow/UK. |
07/2022 | „To Be Continued … on the Football Pitch. Lionel Messi, Seriality, and Sentimental Viewer Engagement with Non-Fictional Television Characters“. Critical Studies in Television Slow Conference, online. |
„Grappling with the Pandemic. Contemporary Television Wrestling and the Rise of the Cinematic Match during COVID-19“. Screen, online. | |
06/2019 | „Is Nathan For You? Schadenfreude and Humanity in One of TV’s Most Controversial Programmes“. Cognitive Futures in the Arts and the Humanities, Mainz. |
06/2017 | „Oh My God, They Didn’t Kill Kenny! Viewer Engagement with Animated Television Characters“. Screen, Glasgow/UK. |
06/2016 | „Wrestling with Characters. The Viewer|Character Relationship on Contemporary Wrestling Programmes“. The Pro Wrestling Symposium, Aberystwyth (Wales)/UK. |
„Hating Contemporary Television Characters“. Screen, Glasgow/UK. | |
06/2015 | „Wrestling with Characters. Viewer Engagement in WWE Programming“. SCSMI, London/UK. |
09/2015 | „Walter White is More Important Than Your Mother. The Significance of Caring About Fictional Characters“ (with Hanna Kubicka). Explorathon. European Researcher’s Night, Glasgow/UK. |
06/2013 | „Breaking Narrative. Narrative Complexity in Contemporary Television“. Victoria/Kanada. |
05/2012 | „Made in America. The American Dream in Contemporary Television Drama“. Vancouver/Kanada. |