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Dr. Maximilian Haberer

Research Associate
Dr. Maximilian Haberer
Building: 23.21.
Floor/room: 01.105
+49 211 81-12145
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Office Hours Office hours: by appointment.

Professional Experience

Since 2017

Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Department for Media and Cultural Studies at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU)

2016 – 2017

Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) at the Department for Media and Cultural Studies at HHU Düsseldorf

2012 – 2014

Student Assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft) at the Department for Cultural Media Studies at the University of Freiburg

2024 (forthcoming)

Workshop (participant) “Machine Listening: Critical Perspectives” (organized by Jonathan Sterne and James Parker), Fall 2024 at McGill University in Montreal/CA

2024 (forthcoming)

Panel (chair) “Sound | Hacks. Music and Media in (Inter)Action” at the annual conference of the German Society for Music Research in Cologne, 11.–14.09.2024 (together with Raphael Börger, Christina Dörfling and Franziska Kollinger)


Workshop (participant) „Writing with Voices“ (organized by Michael Harenberg), 15.–17.02.2024 at HKB in Bern


Organization of the annual conference of the Work Group Auditory Cultures and Sound Studies of the German Society for Media Studies (GfM) on “Sonic Architectures”, 07.–09.09.2023 at HKB in Bern (together with Michael Harenberg and Anna Schürmer)


Fifth edition of Soundcinema Düsseldorf on 02.10.2023 (thematic focus: Spectralities)


Fourth edition of Soundcinema Düsseldorf on 20.10.2022 (thematic focus: Futurhythm)


Third edition of Soundcinema Düsseldorf on 14.10.2021 (thematic focus: Isolation)


Symposium “Sonotopias”, 09.10.2021 at the NRW-Forum in Düsseldorf


Organization of the annual conference of the Work Group Auditory Cultures and Sound Studies (GfM) on “Acoustic Intelligence”, 30.01.–01.02.2020  in Düsseldorf
(together with Tomy Brautschek and Anna Schürmer)


Second edition of Soundcinema Düsseldorf on 30.01.2020


Initiation and first edition of the recorded sound festival Soundcinema Düsseldorf on 04.04.2019 (together with Tomy Brautschek)


2024 (forthcoming)

Tape Matters. Ästhetik, Materialität und Klangkonzepte des Tonbandes (Tape Matters. Aesthetics, Materiality, and Sound Concepts of Audio Tape). Düsseldorf: DUP/de Gruyter

Articles and Essays

2024 (forthcoming)

“Sonic Architectures. Raumklang und Klangraum“ (Sonic Architectures. Spatial Sound and Sound Space), in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. Special issue on Sonic Architectures, 2/2024 (together with Teresa Carrasco, Michael Harenberg and Anna Schürmer)


“Acoustic Intelligence. Hören und Gehorchen” (Acoustic Intelligence. Listen and Obey), in Acoustic Intelligence. Hören und Gehorchen, edited by Anna Schürmer, Maximilian Haberer, and Tomy Brautschek. Düsseldorf: DUP/de Gruyter, 7-49 (together with Anna Schürmer and Tomy Brautschek)


“Unerhört! The Un-Sound of Sound Studies” (Unheard-of! The Un-Sound of Sound Studies), in Auditive Medienkulturen, 11. October 2021. Online: www.auditive-medienkulturen.de/2021/10/11/unerhoert-the-un-sound-of-sound-studies/



“ACOUSTIC INTELLIGENCE: Hören und Gehorchen“, in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. Special issue on Acoustic Intelligence, 4/2020 (together with Tomy Brautschek and Anna Schürmer)


“Versuch über Spotify, oder: Musikstreaming als Arbeit am Subjekt” (In Search of Spotify, or: Music Streaming as a Technology of the Self), in Wissen im Klang. Neue Wege der Musikästhetik, edited by José Gálvez, Jonas Reichert, and Elizaveta Willert. Bielefeld: transcript, 145-162


“Das Tonband-Regime. Zur Soundästhetik und Hörkultur des Magnettonbandes” (The Tape Regime. On the Sound Aesthetics and Listening Culture of Magnetic Tape). Presentation of Dissertation Project, in Rundfunk und Geschichte 45:3/4, 70-71


“Echoes of Pink Floyd: experiencing intimacy through acoustic immersion”, in Sound Studies, 4:2, 234-237 (together with Tomy Brautschek)


“Das Tempophon – Zur Medienkulturgeschichte eines akustischen Zeitreglers“ (The Tempophone – On the Media Cultural History of an Acoustic Time Regulator), in Auditive Medienkulturen, 16. November 2018. Online: www.auditive-medienkulturen.de/2018/11/16/das-tempophon-zur-medienkulturgeschichte-eines-akustischen-zeitreglers/


Collected Volumes/Special Issues etc. (as editor)

2024 (forthcoming)

Guest editor of the Issue 2/2024 of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik on “Sonic Architectures” (together with Anna Schürmer and Michael Harenberg)


Acoustic Intelligence. Hören und Gehorchen (Acoustic Intelligence. Listen and Obey). Düsseldorf: DUP/de Gruyter (together with Anna Schürmer und Tomy Brautschek)



Curation/compilation of the contributions of the issue 4/2020 of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik on “Acoustic Intelligence” (together with Tomy Brautschek and Anna Schürmer)


2024 (forthcoming)

“Philippe Kocher, Dirigierende Maschinen. Musik mit technikgestützter Tempovermittlung“, in Technikgeschichte


"Victoria Tkaczyk, Thinking with Sound: A New Program in the Sciences and Humanities around 1900 Chicago", in The British Journal for the History of Science

Audio Productions


Podcast Episode „Algorithmische Bastelsynthesizer, akustische Interfaces und audioästhetische KI-Kollaborationen. Ein Gespräch mit Michael Harenberg“ (Algorithmic Tinkering Synthesizer, Acoustic Interfaces, and Audio Aesthetic AI-Collaborations. A Conversation with Michael Harenberg), in Sounds of Sound Studies. Published on 12.12.2021


Radio Feature „Acoustic Intelligence. Hören und Gehorchen“ (Acoustic Intelligence. Listen and Obey), in Atelier neuer Musik. Broadcast on 14.11.2020 in Deutschlandfunk (together with Tomy Brautschek and Dr. Anna Schürmer)

Translations (from English to German)

2024 (forthcoming)

Kees Tazelaar: „Der Philips-Pavillon auf der Brüsseler Weltausstellung 1958“ (The Philips Pavilion at the Brussels World's Fair of 1958), in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. Special issue on Sonic Architectures, 2/2024

2024 (forthcoming)

Jonty Harrison: „Eine sehr kurze Geschichte des BEAST“ (A Very Short History of the BEAST), in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. Special issue on Sonic Architectures, 2/2024


Sean Dockray, James Parker, and Joel Stern: „(Gegen) die kommende Welt hörender Maschinen” ((Against) The Coming World of Listening Machines), in Acoustic Intelligence. Hören und Gehorchen, edited by Anna Schürmer, Maximilian Haberer, and Tomy Brautschek. Düsseldorf: DUP/de Gruyter, 41–46


Sean Dockray, James Parker, and Joel Stern: „Lektionen, wie man (nicht) gehört wird“ (Lessons in How (not) to be Heard), in Acoustic Intelligence. Hören und Gehorchen, edited by Anna Schürmer, Maximilian Haberer, and Tomy Brautschek. Düsseldorf: DUP/de Gruyter, 183–188


Sean Dockray, James Parker, and Joel Stern: “Improvisation und Kontrolle” (Improvisation and Control), in Acoustic Intelligence. Hören und Gehorchen, edited by Anna Schürmer, Maximilian Haberer, and Tomy Brautschek. Düsseldorf: DUP/de Gruyter, 215–226


Jonathan Sterne: „Was bedeutet es, Machine Listening als eine Form des Hörens zu begreifen?“ (What Does it Mean to Understand Machine Listening as a Kind of Listening), in Acoustic Intelligence. Hören und Gehorchen, edited by Anna Schürmer, Maximilian Haberer, and Tomy Brautschek. Düsseldorf: DUP/de Gruyter, 95–97

since 2018

Lecture Series “Media and Cultural Professions” at HHU Düsseldorf

2024 (forthcoming)

Seminar “Sound Machine Aesthetics. In Search of the Media and Sound Aesthetics of Machine Listening” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Between Enlightenment and Anxiety. The Cultural History of Electricity” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Stretchsthetics – Aesthetics, Epistemology and Politics of Sonic Deceleration” at HHU Düsseldorf   


Seminar “Sonic Subjectivites” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Actants, Stuff, Epistemic Things. Media Studies as Material Culture Studies (and vice versa?)” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Sound-Being: Voice and Subjectivation” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Becoming Sound. Music and Subjectivation” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Streaming, Voice Assistants, Cyborg Music. Sound Cultures of Artificial Intelligence” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Sound Concepts and Listening Cultures. Foundations of Sound Studies” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Sound Storage and Music Machines. Audio Technologies Between Phonography and Streaming” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar „Acoustic Intelligence – Listen and Obey” at HHU Düsseldorf (together with Tomy Brautschek)


Seminar “Retromania, Nostalgia, Hauntology: On the Auditory and Audiovisual (Re-)Aesthetizations of the Past” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “A Brief History of Sound: History, Technology und Aesthetics of Auditory Spacetime Configurations” at HHU Düsseldorf (together with Tomy Brautschek)


Seminar “Slave to the Algorithm? Music in the Age of Algorithmic Data Processing” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Hearing the Alien? Media Culture(s) of Afrofuturism” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “‘The Truth of technical Media‘: Dispositives, Archeology, Media Theory” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Subjectivity and Voice” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “Seeing with Ears. Cultures and Techniques of Listening” at HHU Düsseldorf


Seminar “From Bars to Clouds. Music Production and Perception in the Mirror of Their Storage Systems” at HHU Düsseldorf

2024 (forthcoming)

“The new old listening culture(s) of contemporary ‘retro’ walkmen”. Lecture at the annual conference of the German Society for Music Research from 11.–14.09.2024 at the HFMT Cologne


"In|ter|dependencies of Sound Manipulation: On Perceptual Coding and Proto-Digitization of the Tempophon". Lecture at the annual conference of the German Society for Media Studies ("Dependencies," Sept. 27-30, 2022) at the University of Bonn


“Where are we really when we listen to music? Assessment of a Contemporary Music Listening Ecology”. Lecture at the annual conference of the Work Group Auditory Cultures and Sound Studies ("Sonic Architectures", 07.-.09.2023) at HKB Bern


“Cut, Edit, Copy, Loop. Tape Work as Craftsmanship". Lecture at the annual conference of the German Society for Media Studies ("Work", 28.09.-01.10.2022) at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg



“Streaming Against the Stream: Evading and Subverting the Power of Music Streaming Platforms". Lecture at the international conference "Differentiating Sound Studies: Politics of Sound and Listening" at the Music Research Center of Hanyang University in Seoul



"Unerhört! The Un-Sound of Sound Studies?” Lecture at the annual conference of the Work Group Auditory Cultures and Sound Studies ("The Sound of Sound Studies", 08.07.-10.07.2021) at Leuphana University Lüneburg


“Reality Effects of Sound”. Lecture at the Department for Media Cultural Studies on 05.06.2019 at the University of Freiburg


"Slave to the Algorithm? Music Reception in the Age of Algorithmic Data Processing". Lecture at the 31st DVSM Symposium 2018: Music and Aesthetics - Old Questions, New Perspectives on 09.11.2018 at the Humboldt University of Berlin


“Media Dispositive of the Audio Tape Recorder”. Lecture at the Symposium “Sound as Popular Culture” on 06.10.2016 at the University of Copenhagen

Since 2021

Member of the Commission for Internationalization at the Faculty of Philosophy of HHU Düsseldorf

Since 2021

Chair of the Working Group Auditory Culture and Sound Studies of the German Society for Media Studies (together with Max Alt and Sarah Hardjowirogo)

Since 2021

Founding and board member of the association for the presentation and reflection of electroacoustic sound art “Sonische Interferenzen e.V.”

Since 2019

Coordinator of the Regional Chapter Rhine-Ruhr of Fulbright Alumni e.V.

Since 2014

Member of the Heinrich Heine University Student Orchestra (Violin)